At Family Pet Veterinary Center we offer microchipping services for your dog. We utilize Petlink SLIM Microchips.
The PetLink SLIM microchips are made of a polymer rather than glass like all other microchips on the market. This lightweight polymer is not as heavy as glass and can prevent it from moving/migrating in the pet. PetLink microchips are delivered in a smaller needle than traditional glass microchips making implanting easier and causing less stress for pets.
What is microchipping?
Microchipping your pet is one of the easiest ways to help owners be reunited with their beloved pet if they get lost or stolen. A microchip is placed under the pet's skin, usually between their shoulder blades. When the microchip is scanned by a microchip scanner the microchip number will show on the scanner screen.
Once the microchip number is obtained visit Petlink Found Pet and they will assist you to locate the pet owner’s information.
Why is a microchip a better identification tool than a collar with a tag?
A microchip is a more reliable tool than simply having a collar with a tag because collars can easily be removed. If an animal gets lost, their collar or tag might fall off but a microchip is intended to be a permanent identification tool.
If you ever need to update your personal contact information such as address or phone number you can do so much quicker with a microchip than purchasing a new tag with your updated information and replacing it with the one on your pet’s collar.
In addition to the reliability and ease of updating your contact information, a microchip online profile can also contain more information than a collar tag. You can easily update your pet’s personal information such as medical conditions, age, etc as needed.
Does Microchipping Require Anesthesia?
Anesthesia or sedation is not required to place a microchip. The microchip is put directly under the skin with a sterile needle, and should not cause any more pain than getting a vaccine injection.
How long does a microchip last?
Microchips are designed to last up to 25 years.
What types of pets can be microchipped?
At Family Pet Veterinary Centers we most commonly microchip dogs and cats. Other animals that can be microchipped are ferrets, rabbits, birds, horses and snakes.
How big is the microchip?
The chips are about the size of a grain of rice, so they will not disturb your pet in any way.
What do owners need to do to register their pets microchip number?
If your pet was microchipped with a Petlink microchip through Family Pet Veterinary Center you do not need to register your pet’s microchip number. You will receive a welcome email from Petlink to the email address we have on file for you. If your pet was microchipped through another facility such as a rescue or breeder, please contact them directly to determine the next steps for registering your pet’s microchip number.
Can animals be tracked via their microchip?
No, but if an animal is found, they can be taken to the nearest humane society or veterinary clinic to have the pet scanned for a microchip to begin the process of reuniting the pet and owner.
Are you unsure if your pet is microchipped?
If you are unsure if your pet is microchipped, schedule an appointment with one of our technicians to help you determine their microchip status.