Clinic Cat
My name? I’m Lola. I’m basically the manager around here, making sure Esteban and Leo don’t get into too much trouble. I’ll even have to groom them sometimes! I was born in 2007 and came to live at the clinic in 2018. What I like doing is... well... Purring! I just like being around people. You don’t even have to pet me, just being in your presence is enough to make the noise happen. I can sit beside you while you work and provide a nice, ambient purring noise to help you get any work done with ease. I do love receiving pets, though, and I will make sure to let you know through my loud, motor-like purring! I've lost my hearing at my old age, so if you do pet me, make sure to be gentle as you approach me when I am sleeping. My favorite spot to sleep is my chair in the front lobby, soaking up all of the sun.
Update Dec 2024:
We said goodbye to our sweet Lola after a long battle with cancer. We will cherish the memories we have with her and all of the joy she brought our team and our clients. Meet you at the Rainbow Bridge, Sweet Girl! <3